Thursday, February 05, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

Right now on Facebook there is a game going around where you list 25 random things about yourself and then tag 25 friends and they write 25 things and tag others and so on and so forth. So without further ado here are 25 random facts about myself!

1. I like squirrels in National Geographic’s documentaries and in cartoons. I’m afraid of them in real life (possible rabies carriers).
2. I don’t know how to cook, but I make really good sandwiches.
3. I love chocolates that are wrapped to look like gold coins.
4. I love romantic comedies and Meg Ryan movies especially. I ♥ Meg Ryan.
5. My nervous habit is to tighten my ponytail. I have to do it before going on scary rides or I feel like I won’t survive.
6. Two of my all time favorite places are Barnes and Noble and the library. And with that admission I earn my nerd badge.
7. When I was little I wanted to be a clown when I grew up and get the chance to be crammed into the little car.
8. I don’t enjoy doing any type of athletic activity which is why I’m constantly shocked that I let my husband talk me into joining a bowling league
9. When I get to be 80 I will change my name to Dottie and start dressing like Sophia from the Golden Girls.
10. My biggest fear is failure.
11. I love wearing sweaters because it’s like walking around in a hug.
12. I don’t watch scary movies, because at the ripe old age of 27 they still give me nightmares.
13. I’m a terrible chit chatter and often make randomly inappropriate comments when I become uncomfortable.
14. I’m shy around strangers, but with friends and family they often wish I could be gagged or tranquilized.
15. My dream car is an original design convertible Volkswagen bug in either pink or baby blue.
16. I love the way new books and crayons smell.
17. I was born with quite the temper and it’s taken years to perfect the art of just letting things go.
18. I don’t drink alcohol because I don’t like the taste of it, but one of my favorite ice cream flavors is rum raisin.
19. I don’t like taking medication if I can at all help it. If I have a headache most times I’ll just go take a nap.
20. I’ve also always wanted to be a secret CIA ninja.
21. My two best friends are my mom and my twin sister (aka: the evil one).
22. I hate soggy vegetables. They gross me out.
23. I love stories. I like reading them, listening to them, writing them, watching them and day dreaming about them.
24. I have not been able to embrace the art of text messaging. I'm actually a horrible text messenger. Just call me please.
25. If I could have any super power it would be to fly. I have always wanted to be able to fly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Evil One you say, well...chicken butt!
